Leo Self-improvement Horoscope 2016

Leo, with the possible exception of Scorpio, is the most highly sexed of all the signs. It is said that the male Lion can make forty to fifty times in a day. Leo is a storehouse of creative power – which is sexual by nature.

But now (and for the past few years) Neptune, the most spiritual of all the planets, is in your 8th house of transformation and regeneration. This, as was mentioned, spiritualizes the sex life and is made at a higher, healthier and better level.

Secular science includes the physiological aspects of sex. Of late there is a greater understanding of the psychological aspects as well. Nonetheless, beyond that materialistic science cannot go away. Nevertheless, you most likely will need to go. Most likely you’ll be exploring the spiritual side of it.

The erotic force, the sexual act, is enclosed in a position of much more than just physical ecstasy. It can heal. It can be receptive powers of the mind. It not only creates physical babies but can create mental and emotional babies as well – new projects, businesses or institutions. And, if used correctly, can actually put forward a person closer to the Divine – it can bring spiritual illumination. So what is happening now is the elevation of the sexual act from mere animal lust to an act of worship.

Leos become eager candidates for systems like Kundalini Yoga, Tantra Yoga, carissa or Hermetic Science. All of these deals with the spiritualization of the sexual force. It is good to read all you can about these things.

This will be also given a positive impact on your health. With Pluto, the planet of the family, in your 6th house for many years, misuse or wrongful use of the sex force could be a psychic root cause for problems here.

When the spiritual/energetic aspects of sex are better understood, it will be easy to practise safe sex. The normal methods only protect against brute things. They have no influence on negative energy vibrations. Nonetheless, with spiritual practice, the entire energy vibration of the action can be changed, and thus sex, will be safer.

Leo Horoscope 2016

Leo Health Horoscope 2016

Leo Home and Family Horoscope 2016

Leo Finance and Career Horoscope 2016

Leo Love and Social Life Horoscope 2016