Jupiter’s move into Virgo Last year was also a big help as he started making subtle aspects to your love planet, Pluto. Right now, – especially until September 9 – you are in a wonderful love and social period. After a few years of stress and testing, you’re a better person and more able to cope with relationships.
The nice thing about stress is that it reveals inherent flaws – both personally and in a relationship. Thus, it is not difficult to correct these flaws. Relationships that survived the past few years are capable and will probably go on for ever.
Love is happening now, but there’s no need to rush into marriage. Take your time. Next year is much better for marriage than now.
Your love planet, Pluto, rules sex, among other things. Thus the sexual magnetism is the leading turn-on in love. There’s nothing wrong with this, but sometimes people make too much of it. By itself, sex is not enough just to organize a relationship together. (Many of you learned this over the past few years.)
Pluto rules your love life from the sign of Capricorn. This shows a pragmatic approach to praise. You like the sound provider, the person of status, the person who can assist in your career. Also it shows more caution in love. You are slower to fall in love now than before 2008, when Pluto was placed in Sagittarius. You’ve become more careful.
Pluto will remain in your 9th house for many years to come. This is good. It is shown that besides the sensual magnetism you like someone educated and refined. You like people you can learn from – mentor types. You like people who share your philosophy and religious beliefs. Philosophical differences will eventually sink even the best of sexual chemistries. Mild sexual chemistry has a lifespan of about a year. Nonetheless, if there is also metaphysical harmony, the relationship can last much longer – even for ever.
Love opportunities happen in religious or educational-type settings these days, for religious or university functions and through the introduction of people you worship with or attend school with. Foreign countries can also be the venue for romance these days. Foreigners are alluring – and the more exotic the better.
The love aspects are particularly useful for those working on the first or second marriage. For those currently working on the third marriage, this is a status qua kind of year. Next year will be a lot better.