This will go on for many more years. It is a long-term project.
Saturn, your love planet, has been put in Sagittarius since December 2013. In general, this is good for love. It shows an expansion of the social sphere. New friends and new love relationships are happening (and they too will get detained in due course).
With Saturn as your lovely planet you are usually cautious in love matters. It takes a few minutes to decrease in love. You want to test things and ensure that everything is correct before you commit yourself. But these days you are not so circumspect. Love happens more quickly. You’re more spontaneous about it.
Saturn in Sagittarius shows an attraction to foreigners, members of the clergy and professor types – mentor types. With these aspects, one can fall in love with the minister, rabbi or imam. Also with the professor or guru. You’re attracted to people you can learn from and a good theological discussion these days is a form of foreplay. Your place of worship or your college is the venue for romance these days. Romance can happen through the intervention of your worship leader or people in your place of worship. Likewise through your professor or at university functions.
Saturn is ruling your love life from your 6th house of health and work. This shows many things. First, you’re also was drawn to health professionals. Romance can happen as you pursue your normal health goals – perhaps at the doctor’s office, the lab, the gym or the health spa. Perhaps with people engaged in your health. (If you go to school with them or attend the same church or place of worship, all the better.)
You yearn for a healthy love life and a healthy marriage.
Don’t let this urge, which is essentially useful, make you too critical or judgmental, however. This can do more harm than good. Don’t run it makes you search for pathology either – a tendency with this kind of aspect. If there are pathologies in your relationship they will arise quite naturally without trying to force them out. When they arise naturally, that will be high time to deal with them.
There are plenty of opportunities for love affairs this year. Jupiter is making fabulous aspects to Pluto, the ruler of your 5th house of fun and love affairs.
Nonetheless, sincere love is most likely after September 10, as Jupiter moves into better aspect with your love planet.
Your best love and social periods will be taken from March 21 to April 19, July 23 to August 23 and November 22 to December 21.