Leo Love and Social Life Horoscope 2016

Your 7th house of love is no longer of a house of power this year. This is often the status quo. There’s nothing against the social life – the societal aspects are neutral this year – but there’s nothing especially strong supporting it. The past two years were banner love years. Many of you went into earnest, committed kinds of relationships then. You now seem satisfied with the status quo. In a sense, this is a real message. You’re content and are not obliged to make dramatic changes.

However, with Uranus as your love planet, you like the ‘soap opera’ kind of relationship. You like the ups and downs and changes. You might be more in love with the ‘dramas of love’ than with the actual person. Contentment can be boring for a Leo. Without theatrical life is not worth living. Drama implies change and conflict. So even in a relatively peaceful social period there will be a few drama.

Number of the love trends that we have discussed in recent years is still in effect now. Uranus has been made available for Aries, your 9th house of religion and ideas, for some years now. Thus love and social opportunities happen at university or your place of worship, for educational or religious functions. Love could happen in distant lands or with foreigners.

You gravitate to inform and refined people, to mentor types. Being in a position to benefit from someone is a romantic turn-on, and a juicy philosophical or theological discussion is a form of foreplay these days. This attraction to mentor types often shows at love with a professor, minister or guru.

Leos are generally ‘love at first sight’ people. For them love is instantaneous. These days it is a lot more so than normal: one glance or gesture is all it takes. There is right and bad in this trend. When your intuition is working effectively, you save one lot of time and hassle. However, when your intuition is a little bit off, there can be considerable pain. There is a need to slow things down a bit. There’s no need to jump into meaningful relationships so quickly.

Our regular readers are conscious of the fact that Uranus is the planet of sudden change. He is just like the lightning flashes in the sky. It illuminates the darkest hour. Nonetheless, its illumination is usually short lived. This is a fair description of your love life. Love can take place in the darkest hour. It can happen at any time in any place. This makes it exciting. The only issue is the stability of this love – generally it isn’t stable.

With Uranus engaged in love, you can be attracting usurious people into your life. Their interest is for the moment, not the long term. Singles are better off not marrying this year. In a few years’ time when Uranus moves into Taurus, love will be more stable. (It is never completely stable with you, but it will be more stable than it is now.)

Leo Horoscope 2016

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