Libra Finance and Career Horoscope 2016

As we mentioned, you have been put in a strong prosperous period since August of last year. Jupiter, the planet of abundance and good fortune, is making beautiful aspects with your financial planet Pluto. Earnings increase. Financial opportunities increase. Because Jupiter is on your spirit 12th house until September 9 this year, the financial intuition is excellent. Fiscal guidance will now come to you in dreams and through guru or minister types. Psychics, astrologers and other spiritual channels also have significant financial guidance. A millisecond of reliable financial intuition is worth many years of arduous labour.

On September 10 of Jupiter will cross your Ascendant and enter your 1st house. While this doesn’t necessarily bring wealth, it does bring the high life. There will be more travel, more good food and wine and more pleasures of the senses. Generally these things happen naturally. Nothing special needs to be done.

Generally, also, the supply for the superior life comes to – you will find that the wherewithal needed for such a lifestyle is provided.

Family support is appropriate all year. A parent or parent figure is not part of agreement on monetary matters (after September 10) but will be supportive anyway.

Pluto is on your financial planet. Generally he rules inheritance. Hopefully no one has to die, but you can be named in someone’s will, or be appointed to some administrative post. Sometimes this aspect indicates earnings from trust funds or insurance claims. Those of you of the appropriate age are doing more estate planning these days. Taxes and estates issues are influencing your financial decision-making. Often there are earnings from tax refunds.

Your ability to employ or pay down debt – depending on your need – is strengthened these days. If you get some good ideas, it is easy to attract outside money to your projects.

Pluto in your 4th house shows an affinity for real estate – both commercial and residential. It shows an affinity with the bond market – and especially the bonds of traditional blue chip companies. Creative use of debt – creative financing – is also a source of income.

The financial planet in Capricorn shows excellent financial judgement. You get value for your money. You have a long term perspective on wealth and seem disposed to undertake disciplined fiscal measures to achieve your aims, such as setting up savings and investment programmes. You’re good at budgeting and staying within a budget at the moment (are because you. Libra). You make a move by step, methodical approach to health now, building it for the long term.

This does not constitute an especially brilliant career year. Your 10th house is meant for the most part uninhabited. Only short-term plants will go through here, temporarily boosting the career. Nonetheless, they pass rather quickly. Moreover, most of the long term planets are below the horizon of your chart. The year ahead is more about family and getting the emotional life in the correct order. In general, we can say that career energy will be strongest on the New and Full Moon and when the Moon is waxing. These periods are best considered in the monthly reports.

Libra Horoscope 2016

Libra Health Horoscope 2016

Libra Home and Family Horoscope 2016

Libra Love and Social Life Horoscope 2016

Libra Self-improvement Horoscope 2016