Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30
Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 3, 10, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30
Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 24, 25
Best Days for Career: 2, 3, 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25, 29, 30
Neptune is still camping on an eclipse point in November (opposite the solar eclipse of September 1), as was a good example last month too. The ruler of your Horoscope is a very slow-moving planet and this is why. Stay out of harm’s way as much as possible. Drive more carefully and avoid confrontations. This is sound advice for all month, but especially after the 22nd when health and energy need to be more delicate. As always the important thing is to get enough rest. You’re very ambitious this month – perhaps even a workaholic – but, when the gas tank is available, don’t try to drive the car. You can enhance health by attending the colon, bladder and sexual organs until the 22nd (safe sex and sexual moderation are essential). After the 22nd pays greater attention to the liver and thighs. Thigh message will be helpful and if you feel under the weather an herbal liver cleanse might be just what the doctor ordered. Just try to stay focused on the really important things and let go of trivialities. This will maximize energy.
Career is the major headline this month. You’re in one of your strongest career periods of the year from the 22nd onwards. You’re succeeding to – but you’re earning every bit of it. Saturn in the 10th house (he has been here all year) shows success by sheer merit. Sun is contained in a superior work ethic. You just work harder than your competitors. Mercury, your love planet, enters the 10th house on the 12th. This indicates that social connections are playing a role as well. Disability is a big factor in your success, and this has been the case all year. Venus in your 10th house (until the 12th) stresses the importance of effective communication and marketing. Even the family is supporting the career. There’s no tension between family obligations and your career – they’re in synch. The family as a whole grows up in status this month (from the 12th onwards). Your career path is thorny, but there is great satisfaction this month.
The love life seems happy as well. Until the 12th there is harmony in your current relationships. Singles will meet harmonious kinds of people – perhaps foreigners, perhaps people at university or your place of worship. Sexual magnetism seems very suggestive, but no less noteworthy is philosophical compatibility. Safe sex won’t cover up philosophical differences for too long (although it may be performed for a little while). Philosophical compatibility is indispensable after the 12th as well, but now you also want someone of influence and position, someone who can further your career, someone you can look up to.
Nevertheless, after the 12th Mercury makes stressful aspects to Neptune. You and the beloved will be employed harder to maintain things going. You seem in conflict.