Virgo February Horoscope 2017

Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17
Best Days for Love: 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 25, 27, 28
Best Days for Money: 5, 6, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26

As we mentioned last month, the month ahead is wonderful for launching new projects, for starting a new business or product. The personal and universal solar cycles are still waxing and 90 per cent of the planets are in forward motion. You should see fast progress towards your goals. The 8th to the 22nd, as the Moon waxes, is the best period of a good month.

Saturn re-stimulates an ancient eclipse point from the 1st to the 5th. Advise children and children figure in your life to ensure that development easy and avoid stressful kinds of activities. Be more patient with them as well – they are likely to be more temperamental.

Another happy month ahead. Your 6th house of work and health – your favourite house – is persuasive until the 19th, which bears this a suitable period to attain work-oriented goals. If you’re a job seeker, you seem to have a lot of excellent opportunities now. Likewise if you employ others.

On the 19th the Sun enters your 7th house of love and you begin a yearly love and social peak. The Sun, the authentic spiritual planet in your chart, and Neptune, the generic spiritual planet, both holds the 7th house. A clear message. You’re meeting spiritual and artistic kinds of people. Other types don’t interest you very much. Spiritual compatibility is likely to be just as important as physical magnetism at the moment. Love waits for you as spiritual or charitable events – perhaps at the yoga studio or meditation class or a spiritual lecture given by a visiting guru. Guru-type figures are playing cupid from the 19th onwards, and there is a romantic meeting with a saintly person on the 28th or 29th.

Learn as much as you can about psychic healing until the 19th. This knowledge will stand you in good stead for when your health is to become more stressful. Improve the health situation in the ways mentioned in the yearly report and, most importantly, maintain high energy levels. A bright aura will repel any disease. Health can be further enhanced through arm and shoulder massage from the 14th onwards, and through hip and neck massage from the 17th onwards.

Finance doesn’t seem a major interest this month. If there are things they probably come about through lack of attention. Until the 17th money is acquired in favorable ways – perhaps while you’re out enjoying yourself. From the 17th onwards money is provided by work. Often there is overtime or extra jobs that bring in more cash.

Horoscope for February 2017 for each zodiac sign

 Aries February Horoscope 2017

 Taurus February Horoscope 2017

 Gemini February Horoscope 2017

 Cancer February Horoscope 2017

 Leo February Horoscope 2017

 Virgo February Horoscope 2017

 Libra February Horoscope 2017

 Scorpio February Horoscope 2017

 Sagittarius February Horoscope 2017

 Capricorn February Horoscope 2017

 Aquarius February Horoscope 2017 

 Pisces February Horoscope 2017