Aquarius Home and Family Horoscope 2016

Your 4th house of home and family is not prominent this year. (it has not been prominent for some years now.) This has a tendency to a durable kind of year. There is nothing especially against a move or renovation, but there’s nothing that supports it either. You make more freedom in the home and family life, but not that much interest.

Aquarius is not yet clear for being family oriented. You are generally freedom-loving, unconventional types. Anything that is harmful to freedom (and family often does) is looked on with suspicion.

Now that Saturn has left Scorpio, a parent or parent figure seems less of a disciplinarian than usual. Less stern. Less serious. He or she is liable to be feeling much better as well. He or she has financial challenges these days and has an obligation to reorganize the finances – to shift things around. He or she is not likely to move this year.

The other parent or parent figure could have already moved in recent years and now seems pleased with the status quo.

If the parents or parent figures are even married, the relationship is a lot improved these days. There was a severe testing of the marriage in 2013 and 2014. If they are divorced, one of them has good romantic aspects this year.

You seem very devoted to siblings or sibling figures in your life. They seem more rebellious and difficult to handle. In one sense, they are much like you – they need their freedom and space. Romance is apt after September 10, but marriage is not advisable. They are under a durable kind of family year. They have excellent job aspects and the health looks good. (They do need to be careful about experimenting with the body, though – this can lead to injury.)

Children or children figures in your life are likely to move this year. It could have happened last year too. The move seems happy. Sometimes people don’t ‘literally’ move, but they make renovations or additional investments in the home and the effect is as though they had moved. Children and children figures are more fertile than usual. Their health looks good. However, their marriage or current relationship is getting tested. Grandchildren (if you ask them to) are having a spiritual kind of year. They are making renovations in the home. On September 10, they specify a multi-year cycle of prosperity.

You seem to be very involved in the health of a parent or parent figure. His or her job situation seems unstable. He or she takes advantage of new, cutting-edge therapies and from alternative medicine. The other parent figure has fantastic job opportunities from September 10 onwards. Health looks sunny for this parent.

If you’re beautifying the home – repainting, redecorating, or buying new furniture or art objects – April 19 to May 24 is a big time for this.

Aquarius Horoscope 2016

Aquarius Health Horoscope 2016

Aquarius Finance and Career Horoscope 2016

Aquarius Love and Social Life Horoscope 2016

Aquarius Self-improvement Horoscope 2016