Most Stressful Days Overall: 10, 11, 16, 17, 23, 24
Best Days for Love: 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 28, 29, 31
Best Days for Career: 6, 7, 16, 23, 24, 26, 27
By now most short-term financial goals have been achieved and your interest shifts to the intellectual realm. The whole point of wealth is to give us the time and wherewithal to develop the mind. So the month ahead is good for taking courses (or teaching courses in your area of expertise), reading and keeping abreast on all the letters, texts, emails and calls that you own. Students carry out their studies. Sales and marketing people are better at what they do.
We consist of two eclipses this month. These are guaranteed to shake up the world and your environment. This is their function.
The solar eclipse of the 9th (in America it happens on the 8th) occurs in your 3rd house of communication. This is a sharp eclipse so take it nice and cool over this period. There is no need for daredevil-type stunts. More relaxing time at home is advised. The eclipse will test cars and communication equipment. There can be communication glitches. Siblings and sibling figures in your life experience life-changing dramas, as perhaps do neighbours as well. You could be having ‘encounters’ with death. Evil Angel lets you know that he’s around. He is used for all sorts of ways. You can have a close call – a brush with death – or you could hear of the death of someone close to you or been recognized for you. Often people have dreams about death. This is all to point out to you to see more serious about life. To get on with the work that you were born to do. This eclipses impacts on Saturn, your planetary ruler – reinforcing the above. It also has an effect on Mars, your family planet. Thus there can be near-death kinds of experiences in the lives of a parent or parent figure or family member. Repairs might be needed in the home.
The lunar eclipse of the 23rd also affects you strongly, especially those of you born between December 21 and December 25. The eclipse takes place in your 10th house of career, indicating career changes and upheavals. There are various scenarios as to what happens – sometimes people change the actual career, sometimes they change their approach, sometimes there are shake-ups in the company, industry or in government regulations that change the rules of the game.
Sometimes there are management shake-ups and dramas in the lives of bosses. There are vivid kinds of events in the lives of parents and parent figures too. Be more patient with them. Every lunar eclipse tests the love life and the current relationship. Valuable relationships survive and get even better, once the dirty laundry is washed clean. Flawed ones can end.