Virgo Finance and Career Horoscope 2016

As we said earlier, you’re in a banner financial year. A year of prosperity and financial growth. Financial horizons are much expanded.

Jupiter in your own sign until September 9 ushers in the ‘high life’. One is placed in a higher standard. One lives as if one were wealthy (each depending on their personal concept of wealth). The cosmos be indulging your sensual desires – the desires of the flesh. So, without any conscious effort on your part, you eat the better restaurants, you drink the finer wines, you travel more, you dress more expensively, etc. People see you as wealthy. You project the image of wealth and prosperity.

There is a mysterious magic – a profound metaphysical principle – in cultivating the image of wealth. It keeps you in that vibration. You now begin to attract wealthier people into your life. You attract financial opportunity as well. Further, when you project this image, you tend to ‘feel’ wealthier and the feeling of wealth always precedes the actual manifestation.

On September 10, as Jupiter enters your money house, the actual, tangible, touchable wealth really starts to happen. Financial opportunities come. Things that you already own are valuable more. You catch lucky financial breaks. You get the impression of financial optimism.

Jupiter is associated with financing shows good family support, as we have mentioned. It shows earnings from real estate, the food business, hotels and industries that cater to the home – such as interior design, furniture providers, landscaping and things of this nature. It favours earning from home and a family-type business.

But Jupiter gets another factor influencing your financial life. Venus is your financial planet and in order to really include financial picture we must study her. However, she is a fast-moving planet – and this year more so than usual. Thus there are many short-term trends in finance that are best addressed in the monthly reports.

Venus’s speedy motion this year – she will visit some of your houses twice, when she usually only does so once – is also a talented financial signal. It shows confidence, rapid progress and good forward momentum.

This is not an especially brilliant career year. Most of the long-term plants are less than the horizon of your chart. Your 10th house of career is basically empty and only short-term planets will travel through there. Sure, there will be periods where career is important, but these are the lack lived. Your focus is more on the money and home and family issues.

You are generally ambitious by nature, but this year less so than usual. Mercury, your career planet, is likewise a fast-moving planet (usually faster than Venus, but not this year). Thus there are various short-term trends in the career that we will cover through the periodic reports.

Because Mercury will go into retrograde motion four times this year – more than usual –, there is more review needed in the career. There is a greater need to for conceptual clarity on this subject. Things are not that they seem.

Virgo Horoscope 2016

Virgo Health Horoscope 2016

Virgo Home and Family Horoscope 2016

Virgo Love and Social Life Horoscope 2016

Virgo Self-improvement Horoscope 2016