Virgo Home and Family Horoscope 2016

Your 4th house of home and family has been dedicated since late 2014 when Saturn moved in there. When your family planet, Jupiter, moved into your 1st house in August of last year, home and family has become more prominent in your chart.
This area seems bitter-sweet this year. On the one hand, there is good family support. Family members (and especially a parent figure) seem very devoted to you. On the other hand, Saturn in your 4th house shows that you’re taking on extra burdens and responsibilities – things that you can’t really avoid. These are usually unintelligible things.

You will probably have opportunities to make progress in the coming year, but it doesn’t seem advisable. Saturn in this house suggests that you make the most of the existing space you have, rather than move home.

Those of you of childbearing age are unusually fertile this year. Pregnancy or new birth would fit the symbolism we see here. It is right on the same time a blessing and a chore at the same time. Nonetheless, there are other ways to view this too. Existing children or children figures in your life could require extra care and attention, but you’ll go to have to help.

You’re working to ensure that home more of a ‘fun’ kind of place. Almost like an entertainment centre. Symbolism of the Horoscope indicates home theatres, musical instruments or equipment, toys and games, etc.

On September 10, your family planet Jupiter enters your money house. This suggests earning money from home. The home as a place of business. It indicates spending money on the home and family and learning lessons from them as well. A family business would fit the symbolism. Family connections could be significant financially – and as we mentioned, it shows appropriate financial support from the family.

A parent or parent figure prospers. He or she could be moving in or spending long periods with you. He or she does not get too keen on the spouse, partner or current love; however, this will ease after September 10.

Children and children figures in your life seem emotionally volatile these days. They seem restless too. If they arise out of an appropriate age, there could be moves this year – perhaps multiple moves. They have had this tendency for some years now.

Siblings and sibling figures have a stable, static kind of family year.
Grandchildren (if you tell them to) have moved recently, but the year ahead is stable here.

If you’re doing major repairs or construction work on the home, August 3 to September 27 would be a big time. If you’re repainting, decorating or otherwise beautifying the home. October 18 to November 12 and November 22 to December 21 are excellent times.

Virgo Horoscope 2016

Virgo Health Horoscope 2016

Virgo Finance and Career Horoscope 2016

Virgo Love and Social Life Horoscope 2016

Virgo Self-improvement Horoscope 2016